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        Opinion: ? Cartoons ? Columnists ? Editor's Pick ? From the Blog ? Submit Your Opinion

        George N. Tzogopoulos
        The future of Sino-European relations
        China and EU relations are unlikely to shift dramatically despite heightened scrutiny of Chinese investments by Europe.
        China-Germany strategic partnership bolsters Sino-European ties
        Rutte's China visit boosts Sino-Dutch ties amid trade growth
        'Two sessions' fuel China's growth momentum

        Robert Griffiths
        One hundred years of the CPC
        Since the founding of the CPC a century ago, there have been many significant achievements which laid foundations for China's development of a modern industrial society.
        Path forward for the Tories in General Election uncertain
        Britain's wave of worker dissatisfaction
        The UK's long political crisis continues

        Tom Fowdy
        There's reason to be optimistic about China's economy in 2024
        After a year of challenges and transition, China's economy is expected to grow steadily in 2024 as consumption and services recover further and the country's exports continue to become more competitive.
        China's economy maintains recovery momentum
        Spain ties with China serve as a model for EU relations
        China-Europe freight train guarantor of global supply chain stability

        Hannan R. Hussain
        China's tourism surge signals economic strength
        Understanding the importance of China-Malaysia ties
        China's green leadership energizes Africa's sustainable future

        Shastri Ramachandaran
        Northeast revival key test of supply-side reform
        China's northeast, home to the old industrial bases for long, is on the brink of a major economic transformation.
        Trump inaugural brings many fears, few cheers
        Davos awaits Xi's pitch on responsive leadership
        Premier Li keeps economy on course

        Eugene Clark
        Remaining resilient amid challenges
        As the world faces numerous challenges on seemingly endless fronts, in order to succeed, humankind must pivot and remember that our future lies not in the hands of fate, but in our hands.
        2022 Winter Paralympics: Lessons in life
        Lessons for business in the Year of the Tiger?
        Future trends for the legal service industry

        John Ross
        ?CPC has delivered historical improvements for humanity
        Over the past 100 years, the CPC has been responsible for leading by far the greatest improvement in the conditions of the greatest proportion of humanity in history.
        A turning point for China and the world
        China sets its sights on becoming a high-income economy
        China's NPC tackles global slowdown and climate change

        Dan Steinbock
        From resurgences in US to spillovers in Americas
        According to a new report, American states have been the most virus-affected relative to major economies, while the worst regional crisis is in the Americas. The economic implications are dire.
        China's living standards will continue to rise
        World-class lessons from Shanghai FTZ
        Obama-Trump geopolitics changing US attitudes toward China, world

        Jin Liangxiang
        US value-based diplomacy undermines its alliances in the Middle East
        The U.S.'s efforts to form alliances in the Middle East are based on outdated beliefs about the region's various actors and what they want to become.
        ?Future of Middle East should be defined by strategic autonomy of regional actors
        China's détente in the Middle East aims to bring peace
        Palestine issue: More must be done

        Tim Collard
        What can be expected from Trump's tour of Asia?
        Trump has damaged his position in Asia by a lack of clarity on trade issues and security issues. He now has an opportunity to provide clarity.
        'Two Sessions' 2019: Seeking solutions across the board
        Global strategy remains rooted in regional diplomacy
        Decoding China's Ambassador to UK article

        Heiko Khoo
        Dark clouds over the US economy
        Fumbling and bumbling at both federal and state levels mean the overall prospects for the real economy in the U.S. are worse than at any time since the 1930s.
        Will the world economy return to normal soon?
        The post-pandemic slump
        COVID-19 adds to the world's economic woes

        Niranjan Sahoo
        Major takeaways from China-India strategic dialogue
        The right way to further strengthen the bilateral relationship between India and China is to work on positives and pay no heed to critics.
        Making sense of the UN climate summit
        Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party wins landslide victory again
        Will CDAC serve as a catalyst for Asian exchange?

        Richard de Grijs
        Continuing allegations of research misconduct require system reform
        Chinese science is once again in the spotlight for the wrong reasons; system reform from a focus on quantity to emphasis on research quality may be the solution.
        Human space exploration gains momentum with China advance
        Complex Chang'e-5 mission on track to benefit China's spaceflight roadmap and int'l collaboration
        Beyond the first thrill of Chang'e 4 moon landing

        Zhang Lijuan
        Rethink about stakeholders in the antidumping chain
        Whenever American commercial interests launch an antidumping action against China, the consequences can be bad for many other stakeholders in the supply chain.
        Tougher trade policy does little for job creation
        G20 for global economic governance
        Make America's trade policy toward China sustainable

        Shen Dingli
        The uneven story of US-Japan relations
        Despite his campaign rhetoric, Trump seems to be learning the rules of the game, and is likely to manage a delicate trilateral relationship with China and Japan.
        Trump right to reaffirm US' commitment to one China
        Trump's policies divide US, allies
        One-China policy is nonnegotiable

        Sumantra Maitra
        The Migration crisis hits America
        The tactic of unarmed masses mobbing and storming borders is here, and is here to stay. It happened in Europe, and it's happening in the U.S. now.
        Paris riots reflect growing dissent in France
        Europe's imperial delusions pose a real threat
        Britain's Versailles moment

        Mitchell Blatt
        The global debate over returning ancient artifacts
        Museums around the world need to thoughtfully balance displaying global cultures with respecting valid requests to return artifacts to their countries of origin.
        China's fast growing coffee house market
        UN recognition of Spring Festival is a positive step forward
        COP28 climate funding is good news, but sustained efforts are needed

        Sajjad Malik
        Understanding China's development model
        China's development model has brought more than just prosperity to the country, as it also boosts global cooperation and development.
        Hangzhou Asian Games showcase inclusiveness, solidarity
        African countries benefit from BRI
        China's service sector becomes major FDI magnet

        Giovanni Vimercati
        Is Europe risking the most in the new Cold War?
        A more impoverished Europe is likely if it gives up its political and economic sovereignty in favor of opposing Russia at the U.S.’s behest.
        US-Cuba relations: too early to judge
        Athens-Moscow: an (un)orthodox alliance?
        Merkel dresses down Abe's revisionist tendencies

        Jiang Shixue
        China is firmly committed to global climate governance
        Climate change is a common challenge facing all of mankind. China is actively participating in and making major contributions to global climate governance.
        Toward a better future of BRICS cooperation
        The unlikelihood of a US-China decoupling
        Challenges for the G20 in overcoming the pandemic

        Xu Peixi
        The NSA's Orwellian invasion of China
        The US spy machine is out of control.
        US government lets go of ICANN
        Mrs. Obama's visit is a stitch in time
        China awakens to its vulnerability to cyber attacks from the US

        Yi Xianrong
        How big is China's debt risk?
        Only by totally abandoning the current growth model of relying on credit investment and the real estate industry, can China's economy get out of the dilemma.
        Correctly assessing China's current economic growth
        Lower growth target shows new economic priorities
        Prospect of RMB depreciation depends on what China’s central bank wants

        Fan Jishe
        Nuclear security: The end of the beginning
        Now that the Nuclear Security Summits are said to have served their purpose, it is time to translate political stances into additional concrete measures and investment in nuclear security.
        'Strategic Patience': Failed US North Korea policy
        Xi-Obama summit: Shaping the future Sino-US relations
        China’s military parade: get the message right

        Tylor Claggett
        The end of US quantitative easing: What does it mean?
        The end of QE3 will have several immediate implications. It also affects China.
        Should the US increase its minimum wage?
        Mistakes that drove Detroit's decline
        Has American democracy lost its way?

        Yu Ning
        The PBC RRR cut and China's economic transformation
        Both the economic data and liquidity figures from recent weeks point to increasing pressures for further and effective easing.
        Cooperation on the 'Belt and Road Initiatives'
        The deposit insurance system will promote financial reform
        PPP model and its impact on APEC

        Ember Swift
        Subway matchmaking ads reveal marital trends in China
        Matchmaking ads in Beijing subways suggest finding a marriage partner is getting more high-tech -- but little has changed.
        Ways to beat the crowds during China's National Holiday
        Possible solutions to rural teachers shortage
        Regrets provide a tool for improved learning

        Luo Huaiyu
        Xi and Ma's handshake makes history
        In terms of symbolism and in a very real sense, the Singapore handshake between Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou is a huge step forward.
        The hegemonic bus driver on tenterhooks
        The US moral standing in Asia
        The harmony of Chinese dreams

        Danny Quah
        The simple arithmetic of China's growth slowdown
        China in 2015 is a very different economy from even just 10 years earlier. China has changed far more than the world has in this time.
        Decoding the Middle-Income Trap
        China's growth could address imbalance
        The UK and the Eurozone in the shifting global economy

        Mu Guangzong
        Is another baby boom likely in relaxed birth control?
        The population issue in China today is more a problem of an imbalanced demographic structure, and a super-low birth rate.
        China has a long way to go to raise its fertility rate
        Family policy can succeed only with support
        Moving toward the ideal gender ratio

        Zhou Shixin
        Aung San Suu Kyi's visit to China
        Regardless of which party wins the general election in Myanmar, the future government must attach importance to Myanmar's relations with China as China offers the strongest guarantee of Myanmar's prosperity.
        Substantial progress in RCEP negotiations amid global trade turmoil
        Achieving the FTAAP is the destiny of APEC
        The AIIB boosts Asian confidence in connectivity

        Wei Hongxia
        What does the US-Cuba reconciliation mean?
        The last vestiges of the Cold War in Latin America have been removed. The U.S. is resetting its relations with its southern neighbors and improving its image among them.
        US diplomacy in 2014: Confidence and challenges
        The impact of Obama's spring East Asia visit
        Action stations

        Zhao Jinglun
        Obituary: Zhao Jinglun
        Veteran journalist, academic and China.org.cn columnist Zhao Jinglun passed away Saturday morning at 5:55am.
        The Ukraine crisis - who is responsible?
        War is cruelty
        World order and regime change
        Will the world economy return to normal soon?
        The post-pandemic slump
        COVID-19 adds to the world's economic woes
        The problem with Abenomics
        Iran, Iraq and the American-created vortex
        The Xi-Ma meeting sets historic milestone
        'China Threat' not an excuse for US 'Asia-Pacific Pivot'
        Common destiny needs stability
        African upheaval: What should China do?
        The coming challenges of Sino-US relations

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