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        Lesson 12 More >>
        sān ge chòu pí jiang – d?ng ge zhū g? liàng
        三個(gè)臭皮匠 – 頂個(gè)諸葛亮
        Three cobblers with their wits combined equal the mastermind Zhuge Liang – Collective wisdom often proves superior; two heads are better than one.
        zhōu yú d? huáng gài – yī ge yuàn d? yī ge yuàn ái
        周瑜打黃蓋 – 一個(gè)愿打,一個(gè)愿挨
        Zhou Yu (a famous military strategist for the State of Wu during the period of the Three Kingdoms) beats Huang Gai (a military general for the State of Wu during the Three Kingdoms) – The punishment is appropriately given by one and willingly accepted by the other.
        Lesson 11 More >>
        y? ba chī ji?o zi – xīn l? y?u shù
        啞巴吃餃子 – 心里有數(shù)
        A dumb person eats dumplings. – (literally) He knows the number in his mind, although he cannot say it. Figuratively, it means somebody has a clear idea of the situation.
        máng rén qí xiā m? – luàn chu?ng luàn pèng
        盲人騎瞎馬 – 亂闖亂碰
        A blind man on a blind horse – rushing headlong into disaster

        Lesson 10 More >>
        dà h?i lāo zhēn – wú chù xún
        大海撈針 – 無(wú)處尋
        Fish for a needle in the ocean – one can find it nowhere; be next to impossible
        shā jī yòng niú dāo – xi?o tí dà zuò
        殺雞用牛刀 – 小題大做
        Use a butcher's knife or cleaver to kill a chicken – break a butterfly on the wheel; use a hammer to swat a fly
        Lesson 9 More >>
        dāng yī tiān hé shang zhuàng yī tiān zhōng – dé guò qi? guò
        當(dāng)一天和尚撞一天鐘 – 得過(guò)且過(guò)
        Go on tolling the bell as long as one is a monk – drift or muddle along; do the least that is expected of one; take a passive attitude towards one's work.
        ài kè sī guāng zhào rén – kàn tòu le
        愛(ài)克斯光照人 – 看透了
        X-ray somebody –see through him/her.

        Lesson 8 More >>
        j?ng d? de há ma – jiàn shi sh?o
        井底的蛤蟆 – 見(jiàn)識(shí)少
        Frog in a well – A person with a very limited outlook
        k?ng fū z? de k?u dài – shū dāi (dài) zi
        孔夫子的口袋 – 書呆(袋)子
        Confucius' bag is full of books. (Confucius is the Chinese philosopher, educator and founder of Confucianism in late Spring and Autumn Period.) – Somebody is a pedant or bookworm.
        Lesson 7 More >>
        shí w? ge diào t?ng d? shuǐ – qī shàng bā xià
        十五個(gè)吊桶打水 – 七上八下
        Have one's heart clang like fifteen buckets in one well, seven going up and eight going down – have one's heart pound with uncertainty, fear or turmoil
        niú tóu bù duì m? zu? – hú lā luàn ch?
        牛頭不對(duì)馬嘴 – 胡拉亂扯
        Horses' jaws don't match cows' heads – incongruous; irrelevant

        Lesson 6 More >>
        tū tóu shàng de shī zi – míng b?i zhe
        禿頭上的虱子 – 明擺著
        Like a flea on a bald head – perfectly clear
        k?ng fū zǐ bān jiā – jìn shì shū (shū)
        孔夫子搬家 – 盡是書(輸)
        When Confucius moves (houses), there is nothing but books (because he is a philosopher). – Figuratively, it means you always lose (書 is a homophone for 輸)
        Lesson 5 More >>
        fēng chuī qiáng tóu c?o – li?ng biān d?o
        風(fēng)吹墻頭草 – 兩邊倒
        The grass on top of a wall blows either way with the wind – someone who sits on the fence will end up going along with the crowd; to sit on the fence
        d? zhǒng li?n chōng pàng zi – s? yào miàn zi
        打腫臉充胖子 – 死要面子
        Try to look fat by slapping one's face till it's swollen – to try to look impressive; be keen on face-saving

        Lesson 4 More >>
        l?o sh? guò jiē – rén rén h?n d?
        老鼠過(guò)街 – 人人喊打
        A rat runs across the street. – Everybody shouts, "Kill it!"; to be extremely unpopular
        duì niú tán qín – bù q? zuò yòng
        對(duì)牛彈琴 – 不起作用
        Play the lute to a cow – address the wrong audience; to act to little effect
        Lesson 3 More >>
        xiā zi diǎn dēng – bái fèi là
        瞎子點(diǎn)燈 – 白費(fèi)蠟
        Lighting a candle for a blind man– a waste of effort or time
        lóng zi de ?r duo – b?i shè
        聾子的耳朵 – 擺設(shè)
        A deaf man's ears - they are merely ornamental; something done just for show

        Lesson 2 More >>
        qí lǘ kàn chàng běn – zǒu zhe qiáo
        騎驢看唱本 – 走著瞧
        Reading a play while riding a donkey – wait and see
        qiān lǐ sòng é máo – lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng
        千里送鵝毛 -- 禮輕情意重
        Goose feather sent from 500 kilometers away – a small gift sent from afar conveys deep feelin
        Lesson 1 More >>
        gǒu ná hào zi – duō guǎn xián shì
        狗拿耗子 – 多管閑事
        Dog trying to catch mice – meddling in other people's business
        xiǎo cōng bàn dòu fu – yī qīng èr bái
        小蔥拌豆腐 – 一清二白
        White bean curd and green scallions – as clear as daylight

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