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        Ancient Chinese Poetry Chinese Idioms Popular Words How to Read Chinese Menus Extensive Reading Strokes of Chinese Characters
        Dì sì shí sì kè zhōng guó huà
        中 國 畫
        Lesson Forty-four Traditional Chinese Painting

        Traditional Chinese painting is highly regarded around the world for its expression and technique. Compared with Western paintings, a Chinese painting is not restricted by focal point in its perspective. A traditional Chinese artist could paint on a long and narrow piece of paper or silk all the scenery that runs along the Yangtze River. It can be said that the adoption of a shifting perspective is one of the distinctive features of Chinese painting.

        Lì li: Měi shù gu?n zhèng zài j? bàn zhōng guó huà zh?n, n? xi?ng qù cān guān ma?
        麗麗: 美術(shù)館正在舉辦中國畫展,你想去參觀嗎?

        There is a traditional Chinese painting exhibition on at the art gallery. Would you like to go?

        Mài kè: Dāng rán xi?ng qù. W? fēi cháng x? huān zhōng guó huà.
        麥克: 當(dāng)然想去。我非常喜歡中國畫。
        Mike: Of course! I like traditional Chinese painting very much.
        Lì li: W? hěn xīn sh?ng n? de yóu huà. N? huà de fēi cháng h?o.
        麗麗: 我很欣賞你的油畫。你畫得非常好。
        Lili: I really like your oil painting. You paint very well.
        Mài kè: Xiè xie. W? xiàn zài zhèng zài xué xí zhōng guó shu? mò huà.
        麥克: 謝謝。我現(xiàn)在正在學(xué)習(xí)中國水墨畫。
        Mike: Thanks. I am studying the Chinese ink and wash technique.
        Lì li: N? zuì x? huān n? wèi zhōng guó huà jiā?
        麗麗: 你最喜歡哪位中國畫家?
        Lili: Who is your favorite Chinese painter?
        Mài kè: W? zuì x? huān de zhōng guó huà jiā shì qí bái shí. Tā de zuò p?n hěn y?u tè di?n.
        麥克: 我最喜歡的中國畫家是齊白石。他的作品很有特點。
        Mike: My favorite Chinese painter is Qi Baishi. His works are very distinctive.
        Lì li: N? zhèng zài xué xí rén wù huà hái shì fēng j?ng huà?
        麗麗: 你正在學(xué)習(xí)人物畫還是風(fēng)景畫?
        Lili: Are you studying figure painting or landscape painting?
        Mài kè: Dōu zāi xué. W? měi gè zhōu mò dōu qù měi shù xué yuàn shàng kè.
        麥克: 都在學(xué)。我每個周末都去美術(shù)學(xué)院上課。
        Mài kè: Both. I go to the school of fine arts at weekends.
        Lì li: Xué huà de tóng shí yě xué xí zhōng guó shū f? ma?
        麗麗: 學(xué)畫的同時也學(xué)習(xí)中國書法嗎?
        Lili: Are you also studying Chinese calligraphy?
        Mài kè: Shì de. Hái xué xí y?u guān zhōng guó yìn zhāng de zhī shi.
        麥克: 是的,還學(xué)習(xí)有關(guān)中國印章的知識。
        Mike: Yes, and I am learning about Chinese seals.
        畫展 huà zh?npainting/art exhibition 書法 shū f?calligraphy
        美術(shù)館 měi shù gu?n: art gallery 人物畫 rén wù huàfigure painting
        中國畫 zhōng guó huà: traditional Chinese painting 風(fēng)景畫 fēng j?ng huà : landscape painting
        油畫 yóu huàoil painting 美術(shù)學(xué)院 měi shù xué yuàn : school of fine arts
        水墨畫 shu? mò huàink and wash/watercolor 印章 yìn zhāngseal (engraving)
        畫家 huà jiāpainter/artist  
        作品 zuò p?nartworks
        Zhōng guó huà
        Zhōng guó huà de sh? zhuī dào liù qiān nián qián de xīn
        shí shí dài . Huì zhì zài èr shí shì èr shí nián
        dài chū t? de táo m?n shàng de dòng , ,
        , děng àn shuō míng , zài xīn shí shí dài
        鹿 ,
        zhōng guó huà yīn l? lùn , bi?o , gōng ér xi?ng
        , 達(dá) ,
        quán shì jiè . Gēn bi?o fāng shì , zhōng guó huà
        據(jù) 達(dá) ,
        fēn wéi li?ng lèi : xiě pài gōng b? pài . Xiě
        pài de di?n shì xíng shì kuā zhāng , yòng shuā zi
        sh?u huà ér chéng ; gōng b? huà de di?n shì zhù zhòng
        jié , yòng shuā jīng xìn miáo huì ér chéng .
        細(xì) 節(jié) 細(xì)
        wán zhěng de zhōng guó huà tōng cháng shì yóu shī , shū f?,
        huì huà , yìn zhāng děng shù gòng tóng z? chéng de .  
        Suí zhe shì tuī , zhōng guó jīng le zhòng de
        紀(jì) 經(jīng)
        zhèng zhì , jīng , wén huà biàn , huì huà shù
        經(jīng) 濟(jì) , 術(shù)
        wài . Zhōng guó huà zài xiàn dài zhōng guó rén de
        shēng huó zhōng réng rán zhàn y?u zhòng yào de wèi , dàn xiàn
        , 現(xiàn)
        zài duō huà jiā wàng bi?o men duì xīn shí dài
        de g?n shòu . Huà jiā jiāng men xīn de g?n shòu róng
        dào zhōng guó huà , kāi le zh?ng gu?ng kuò ér
        quán xīn de shù biao xiàn jìng jiè
        術(shù) 現(xiàn)

        Huà lóng di?n jīng

        畫 龍 點 睛
        Literally, to bring a painted dragon to life by drawing in the pupils of its eyes. Used to describe the touch that brings a work of art or verbal expression to life

        Dà fā léi tíng

        【大發(fā)雷霆 】

        To be furious; to fly into a rage

        Dà dāo kuò f?


        Bold and resolute; drastic and radical

        Xi?o jiā bì yù


        A pretty girl of humble origins; the daughter of a humble family

        Xi?o shì fēng máng


        To display only a small part of one's talent; to manifest a little of one's skill

        Yuè luò shuāng m?n tiān,
        滿 天 ,
        Jiāng fēng hu? duì chóu mián.
        chéng wài hán shān ,
        bàn zhōng shēng dào chuán.
        K?n jià
        侃 價 To bargain
        Bào guāng
        曝 光 To expose (usually a crime or scandal)
        Shì jià
        市 價 Market price
        Zhí xiāo
        直 銷 Direct sales (cutting out the intermediary/middle man)
        Cái yuán
        裁 員 To cut staff numbers; to make redundancies
        Shāo guō dòu fu

        砂  鍋  豆  腐  

        Bean curd in a clay-pot

        Zhú s?n sī guā

        竹 筍 絲 瓜  

        Braised bamboo shoots with towel gourd

        Lì zi bá cài
        栗 子 白 菜 
        Braised chestnuts with Chinese cabbage
        Xiāng yù ròu mò
        香 芋 肉 末 
        Minced pork with taro
        Píng gu? jī dīng
        蘋 果 雞 丁 
        Stir-fried apple with chicken cubes
        Qié zhī yù wán
        茄 汁 芋 丸 
        Taro balls in tomato sauce
        Copyright ? China Internet Information Center. All Rights Reserved
        E-mail: webmaster@china.org.cn Tel: 86-10-88828000
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