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        Ancient Chinese Poetry Chinese Idioms Popular Words How to Read Chinese Menus Extensive Reading Strokes of Chinese Characters
        Dì sān shí ba kè cān jiā péng yǒu de hūn lǐ
        第三十八課 參加朋友的婚禮
        Lesson Thirty-eight Going to a Friend's Wedding

        Weddings form an important part of Chinese culture and tradition. Although many customs and practices have been lost in course of history, some are observed even today; the wedding ritual, for instance. It is practiced in honor of family values and respect for a committed relationship.

        lì li: Wǒ yào jié hūn le. Huān yíng nǐ men lái cān jiā wǒ de hūn lǐ.
        麗麗: 我要結(jié)婚了。歡迎你們來參加我的婚禮。
        Lili: I'm getting married! And I'd like to invite you to join in the celebrations.
        mài kè: Gōng xǐ gōng xǐ. N? yī tiān? Yí dìng shì gè liáng chén jí rì ba.
        麥克: 恭喜恭喜。哪一天?一定是個良辰吉日吧。
        Mike: Congratulations! When is it? I'm sure you've picked an auspicious day.
        lì li: Nóng lì shí yuè èr shí bā hào. Zhōng guó rén xǐ huān xu?n shuāng shù.
        麗麗: 農(nóng)歷十月二十八號。中國人喜歡選雙數(shù)。
        Lili: October 28 on the Chinese lunar calendar. Chinese like even numbers for events like this.
        mài kè: Lì li bàn xǐ shì, dà jiā còu fèn zi sòng fèn lǐ ba .
        麥克: 麗麗辦喜事,大家湊份子送份禮吧。
        Mike: Let's pool our resources to buy Lili a wedding present.
        lì li: Xiè xie. Nǐ men yí dìng yào hē wǒ de xǐ ji? a.
        麗麗: 謝謝。你們一定要喝我的喜酒啊。
        Lili: Thank you. You must come to my wedding party.
        mài kè: Wǒ men hái yào hé xīn láng xīn niáng hé yǐng liú niàn.
        麥克: 我們還要和新郎新娘合影留念。
        Mike: Of course we will. And the bride, bridegroom and we will pose for a group photo to mark the special occasion.
        lì li: Wǒ zhèng zài zhì bàn jià zhuang, bāo kuò hūn shā, qí páo, w?n lǐ fú.
        麗麗: 我正在置辦嫁妝,包括婚紗,旗袍,晚禮服。
        Lili: I'm now organizing the wedding essentials like the wedding outfit, qi pao and banquet dress.
        mài kè: Xīn láng jia yào pài huā jiào qù yíng q? nǐ ma?
        麥克: 新郎家要派花轎去迎娶你嗎?
        Mike: Will the bridegroom's family send a bridal sedan chair for you?
        lì li: Nà shì jiù shí de xí sú. Rú jīn yíng qín de chē duì yě hěn cháng.
        麗麗: 那是舊時的習俗。如今迎親的車隊也很長。
        Lili: That is an old custom. Ours will be a convoy of cars.
        mài kè: Yuán lái rú cǐ. Rán hòu qīn péng h?o yǒu zài fàn diàn chī hūn yuàn.
        麥克: 原來如此。然后親朋好友在飯店吃婚宴。
        Mike: I see. After which, relatives and friends will proceed to the hotel for the banquet.
        Learning Chinese - China.org.cn
        結(jié)婚 jié hūn:to get married 婚禮 hūn lǐ:wedding
        恭喜 gōng xǐ: congratulations 良辰吉日 liáng chén jí rì:an auspicious day
        喜事 xǐ shì:wedding; happy event 湊份子 còu fèn zi:to pool resources (usually to buy a present for someone)
        喜酒 xǐ ji?: wedding feast 合影 hé yǐng:take a group photo
        置辦嫁妝 zhì bàn jià zhuang: to organize wedding essentials 婚紗 hūn shā:wedding garment
        旗袍 qí páo:women's traditional Chinese dress. Also known as "cheongsam" in Cantonese 晚禮服 w?n lǐ fú:full evening dress
        花轎 huā jiào:bridal sedan chair 習俗 xí sú:custom
        親朋好友 qīn péng h?o yǒu:relatives and friends  
        Hàn shì hàn mín de yán , shì zhōng guó de zhǔ
        yào yán . Xiàn dài hàn de biāo zhǔn shì tōng
        huà . tōng huà běi jīing yīn wéi biāo zhǔn ,
        běi fāng huà wéi chǔ fāng yán , di?n fàn de xiàn dài
        礎(chǔ) 現(xiàn)
        bái huà wén zhù zuò wéi f? guī fàn . běi jīng huà
        běi fāng huà děng tōng huà . Xué tōng huà
        yīng shǒu xiān xué hàn pīn yīn fāng àn ,
        shì gěi hàn zhù yīn pīn xiě tōng huà yīn de
        fāng àn . Zhè fāng àn c?i yòng dīng , bìng
        yòng jiā hào bi?o shì shēng diào , shì bāng zhù xué
        hàn tuī gu?ng tōng huà de gōng .

        Qián lǘ jì qióng

        黔 驢 技 窮
        Literally translated as "The Guizhou donkey has used up all its know-how," meaning to be at the end of one's tether.

        Xǐ wén lè jiàn

        【 喜 聞 樂 見 】

        To love to see and hear

        Xǐ xiào yán kāi

        【 喜 笑 顏 開 】

        To beam with pleasure or joy

        Tiān huā luàn zhuì

        【 天 花 亂 墜 】

        To give an exaggerated account of something

        Tiān lún zhī lè

        【 天 倫 之 樂 】

        To describe family love an happiness

        rén huáng lóu
        西 樓,
        Yān huā sān yuè xià yáng zhōu
        fān yu?n yǐng kōng jìn
        Wéi jiàn cháng jiāng tiān liú
        Yǐn sī
        隱 私 Privacy
        Di?n píng
        點 評 To comment
        Chāo jí
        超 級 Super
        Gé diào
        格 調(diào) Style; ethos; quality
        Fēn liú
        分 流 Placement of personnel made redundant (in economic structuring terms)
        Dōng gū cài xīn
        冬 菇 菜 心
        Black mushrooms with kale
        Xiāng qín dòu gān
        香 芹 豆 干
        Celery and dried bean curd
        Bái guǒ xiā rén
        白 果 蝦 仁
        Fried gingko nut with shrim
        Fěi cuì pào yú
        翡 翠 鮑 魚
        Abalone mushrooms with vegetables
        Xiāng cōng jiān yú
        香 蔥 煎 魚
        Fried fish with green onion
        Bō luó pái gǔ
        菠 蘿 排 骨
        Pork ribs with pineapple
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        E-mail: webmaster@china.org.cn Tel: 86-10-88828000
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