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          Ancient Chinese Poetry   Chinese Idioms   Popular Words   How to Read Chinese Menus   Extensive Reading   Strokes of Chinese Characters

        The Chinese zodiac, or sheng xiao, is composed of 12 animals, each of which symbolizes a lunar year. Ben ming nian means the year of the animal in which one is born. It is a traditional way to calculate one's age. Sheng xiao is also the source of many traditional customs and newer trends, and the animals are popular images that are seen everywhere.

        mài kè: M?i gè zhōng guó rén dōu y?u zì j? de shǔ xiàng ma?
        麥克: 每個(gè)中國(guó)人都有自己的屬相嗎?
        Mike: Does every Chinese have his or her own animal sign?
        lì li: Duì. Shēng xiāo shì zhōng guó chuán t?ng wén huà de zhòng yào zǔ chéng bù fèn.
        麗麗: 對(duì)。生肖是中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)文化的重要組成部分。
        Lili: Yes. The zodiac is an important part of traditional Chinese culture.
        mài kè: Shēng xiāo zh? de shì n? shí èr zh?ng dòng wù?
        麥克: 生肖指的是哪十二種動(dòng)物?
        Mike: What are the 12 animals of the zodiac?
        lì li: Tā men shì shǔ, niú, hǔ, tù, lóng, shé, m?, yáng, hóu, jī, g?u, zhū.
        麗麗: 它們是鼠、牛、虎、兔、龍、蛇、馬、羊、猴、雞、狗、豬。
        Lili: They are rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and boar.
        mài kè: Jīn nián shì shén me nián?
        麥克: 今年是什么年?
        Mike: What year is this year?
        lì li: Jīn nián shì hóu nián.
        麗麗: 今年是猴年。
        Lili: This year is the Year of the Monkey.
        mài kè: Nà me míng nián jiù shì jī nián le?
        麥克: 那么明年就是雞年了?
        Mike: So next year is the Year of the Rooster, isn't it?
        lì li: Duì. Jī nián sh? yú èr líng líng wǔ nián èr yuè jiǔ rì chūn jié.
        麗麗: 對(duì)。雞年始于2005年2月9日春節(jié)。
        Lili: Yes. It will start with the Spring Festival on February 9, 2005.
        mài kè: N? shì shǔ jī de ma?
        麥克: 你是屬雞的嗎?
        Mike: Were you born in the Year of the Rooster?
        lì li: Bú shì. W? shǔ hóu. Jīn nián shì w? de b?n mìng nián.
        麗麗: 不是。我屬猴。今年是我的本命年。
        Lili: No. I was born in the Year of the Monkey. This year is my animal year.
        mài kè: W? b? n? dà li?ng suì, w? yīng gāi shì shǔ……?
        麥克: 我比你大兩歲,我應(yīng)該是屬……?
        Mike: I am two years older than you, Was I born in the Year of…?
        lì li: N? yīng gāi shì shǔ m?.
        麗麗: 你應(yīng)該是屬馬。
        Lili: You were born in the Year of the Horse.
        生肖 shēng xiāosymbolic animal of one's birth year shésnake
        屬相 shǔ xiàng: same meaning as sheng xiao m?horse
        傳統(tǒng) chuán t?ngtradition; traditional yángsheep
        動(dòng)物 dòng wùanimal hóumonkey
        shǔrat rooster
        niúox g?udog
        tiger zhūpig
        rabbit 本命年 b?n mìng niánthe year of the animal in which one was born

        Qīn ài de tāng mǔ:
        H?n bào qiàn tōng zhī n? b?n zhōu w? néng n? tiào .
        W? qīn shēng bìng le
        Wèi ràng n? shī wàng , w? zh?o le zhāng dài w? .
        W? jué de b? w? tiào de gèng h?o .
        Zhù n? h?o yùn
        L? tíng
        yuè shí

        sh?u zhū dài tù

        守 株 待 兔
        Waiting for a hare to turn up – wait for a windfall; trust foolishly to chance and luck

        yī xīn yī yì

        【 一 心 一 意 】

        Put one's whole heart into; with undivided attention

        sān xīn èr yì

        【 三 心 二 意 】

        Be of two minds; be half-hearted; shilly-shally

        xiōng y?u chéng zhú

        【 胸 有 成 竹 】

        Have a well-thought-out plan, stratagem, etc. in mind

        z?u m? guān huā

        【 走 馬 觀 花 】

        Look at flowers while riding on horseback – gain a superficial understanding through cursory observation


        bái shān jìn
        huáng h?i liú
        qióng qiān
        gèng shàng céng lóu
        dà wàn er
        大 腕 兒 Person with high skills or rich experiences
        dà ku?n
        大 款 Person of wealth
        xià g?ng
        下 崗 Lose one's job
        bèi ch?o yóu yù
        被 炒 魷 魚 To be fired
        pào bā
        泡 吧 Indulge oneself in spending long time in bar, café or discothèque
        gōng bào jī dīng
        宮 爆 雞 丁
        Stir-fried diced chicken with chilli and peanuts
        hóng shāo pái gǔ
        紅 燒 排 骨
        Pork ribs in Brown Sauce
        hǔ pí jiān jiāo
        虎 皮 尖 椒
        Tiger-skin green peppers
        sōng rén yù m?
        松 仁 玉 米
        Pine nuts with sweet corn
        pí dàn dòu fu
        皮 蛋 豆 腐
        Tofu mixed with salted duck eggs
        táng cù ǒu piàn
        糖 醋 藕 片
        Sweet and sour lotus root slices
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